- Added 95th percentile processing to the text-only reports.
- Added "time zooming" to the text-only reports, too. It's cool.
- Added ability to "un-orphan" a host. If you stop monitoring
a host (by 'deleting' it in the Admin section) and leave its
collected stats in the database, it will be listed in a
dropdown menu on the main SNMP Host Admin page. Selecting
it will start the process of re-adding it just like it was
a new host. Someday I'll add a toggle to just turn a host's
monitoring on or off, but it's hairy, and until then, this
will somewhat make up for it.
- Fixed a "bug" in the move_niscaconf_to script (I forgot to
change the version number in the update-to-2.4 script's
filename in move_niscaconf_to, which probably broke the
update script for some people... sorry.)
- Replaced all array_push() usage with assignments to []
instead. If you don't understand, it's okay. :)
- Renamed all lib/* PHP includes to *.phps instead of *.php.
It's just a little more secure that way, I guess; no other
reason, really.
- Removed the "-q" from #!/usr/local/bin/php lines. PHP no
longer uses this CLI switch.
- A few minor bugfixes.
- Added 95th-percentile processing. Hope I did it right; it
finds the biggest value in the report range and multiplies
by 0.95 and calls that the max; any data point over that is
reset to be whatever value was in the slot just before it,
so you don't get odd negative spikes on graphs. Don't think
I'll add that to the text reports too; not sure if it'd be
all that useful.
- Added the neato CSS color preview thingy to the report admin
page (adm_rpt2.phtml).
- Added Bits/Bytes and 95% toggles to stored reports.
- Since there are database changes, be sure to run update-to-2.4!
- Added nisca.conf setting for whether you have ucd-snmp or
net-snmp installed.
Figured out what was wrong with the collector and fixed it.
It should now do snmpv1/v2 correctly.
Added the fontface CSS to the pages without it already.
A few minor cosmetic changes were made.
A few bugs, major and minor, were corrected.
The snmp_collect script I rewrote for v2.3.1 didn't work;
I was using textual OIDs instead of numeric ones, so a
simple fix to functions.php was all that was needed.
Took the ".php" extension off all Nisca utilities; this way,
there won't be any way to run one of them from a browser
(which would be bad).
Added the "Add All" button to the Javascript interface
selection form on the main index page.
Added the ability to change bit/byte display on a per-report
basis; the setting in the global admin section is now just
a default. (This is not saved in stored reports; that would
have required database changes, and I don't want to do that
Removed all requirement for "snmpget". Walk & bulkwalk
are all that are needed now.
The fonts used in Nisca have always been hardcoded into it.
Not the ones on graphs; the ones on all the HTML pages. I've
changed that; you need only define the set of fonts you like
in one place (nisca.conf) now, and that's what it'll use on
every single page. Thanks, Pier.
v2.3 turned out to be a hopeless mass of annoyance, so
I've (hopefully) fixed all the bugs in it and called it
2.3.1. My apologies... just wasn't enough testing; it
should have been called a Beta. 2.3.1 has been more
thoroughly checked, and has even more enhancements than
v2.3 had (all the enhancements from 2.3 are in 2.3.1).
Fixed things: nisca_check, nisca_kill, snmp_collect,
functions.php, report.phtml, the config files, and
probably others I've since forgotten about.
Replaced the "deprecated" ImageDashedLine function in
report.phtml with ImageSetStyle instead so people using
libgd2.x would actually see Y-axis gridlines.
Figured out how to keep the Javascript interface selection
box from clearing itself when you hit the "Back" button
after viewing a report. Should be easier to use now.
First and foremost, got rid of the use of built-in SNMP
functions in PHP. You no longer need the SNMP extension
in PHP; all you need is the "snmpwalk", etc, binaries that
come with ucd-snmp. Not sure if it's really faster or not,
but at least it works now no matter what ucd-snmp version
you have. Whew.
Changed report.phtml to fix the hideous Giant Spiked Graph
problem. (This fix has been back-ported to 2.2 as well.)
...and then rewrote it all again. With the Old Way, it
first pulled all the stats out of the database as running
totals, then converted them into counts-per-interval,
then averaged them, in three separate operations. This
has now all been consolidated into one operation. It
hasn't resulted in much of a speed increase, but
there is a definite improvement. At this point, there
isn't much else I can do to speed it up. Sigh. As a
nice side effect of all that, I fixed a few potential
problems remaining with the Giant Spiked Graph Syndrome.
After much consideration, I've back-ported it to 2.2 too.
Something else that I've back-ported to 2.2 in report.phtml:
there was a bug which would cause some report table rows
to show "0" when they should be showing a large number.
Silly me, I was using the whole byte counter instead of
an average bytes/sec rate to compare with the interface's
maximum speed. Thanks to Ambrus Csaba for pointing it out.
Since there's apparently a bug in either PHP or net-snmp
which causes UDP sockets used during SNMP collection to
stay open, thus eating up file descriptors and eventually
causing the script to come to a grinding halt, I've added
the "nisca_kill.php" script. This, in conjunction with the
process ID files the collectors now write, allows you to set
a frequency (in crontab) with which to just kill off the
collector and let it start over. Then, the "nisca_check"
script will restart it. A quick-and-dirty solution which
will be remedied in the next major overhaul, if I can ever
get started on it...
I've combined the snmp_collect and test_collect scripts.
If you run snmp_collect.php with anything after it, like
"./snmp_collect test", it will act like it was actually
the test_collect.php script... that is, not write to the
database and just show you what it encounters during
collection cycles, including how long they took.
Added support for putting a visible watermark on graphs
from any JPG, PNG, or BMP image. Sorry, no GIFs; thanks
again, Unisys.
Fixed a bug in adm_snmp3.phtml where if you deleted a
previously-entered manual ifSpeed entry on an interface,
it caused a SQL error. Thanks, Pier.
Added the two rangesX.phtml scripts to make it easier to
figure out what time ranges you can get data from on a
particular interface. An idea whose time had come.
Added the ability to click on a graph image to zoom in to that
time period. This may be the nicest new feature of all...
Added one of the neatest features so far, the "Data
Re-Averaging Utility." If your database ever gets too
large to handle, you can use this utility to trim out
some of the statistics in your database (thus effectively
re-averaging the data over a longer period). You can also
use it if your statistics are too "fuzzy" (collecting at
very frequent intervals on a fast interface will make your
graphs fuzzy; the more frequent, the fuzzier it gets).
It's like two features in one. Oh, and also, when you strip
out database entries to re-average it or make it smaller,
you have the option of telling it to create *compressed*
text (SQL command) archive files so you can change your
mind later.
Modified the "Stats Deletion Utility" to create archive
files like the Re-Averaging Utility does now.
Added "multiple" report functionality. This means you can
tell it to add up the stats on all the interfaces you have
selected and put them all on one graph. This differs from
MRTG's method, which requires that you have a special rule
set up to collect the stats additively. Nisca allows you
to just suddenly decide that you want to see the sum of the
transfer rates on any number of interfaces on any number of
machines over any time period; all that's required is that
they have normal statistics already collected for them. This
is only supported for the "In/OutOctets" (byte count) statistics,
not packets, drops, or errors, though I could add support for
multi-IF graphs on those kinds of data if people wanted it.
Added "adm_showconf.phtml" script to the administration
section. This script just shows you the contents of the
"nisca.conf" and "db.conf" files it's using; I thought it
might come in handy to some people. :)
Added ability to use one of these methods to uniquely
identify interfaces on a host: "ifDescr", "ifIndex", "ifName",
"ifPhysAddress", "Cisco iflocDescr", or "Catalyst Portname".
This was to help those people stuck with a Catalyst or other
machine that has the same "ifDescr" entry on every interface.
Added "Committed Information Rate" (CIR) on interfaces
so you can see where your graphs go above it.
Thanks to Mark Motley
for the idea.
Added "Host Aliases" so you aren't stuck with an IP or
hostname to display a host as (similar to the user-definable
Interface Aliases). Mark Motley's idea, too.
Added the ability to change or add an "ifSpeed" entry for any
SNMP or Localhost interface (adm_snmp2.phtml and adm_local1.phtml).
Added the display of how much disk space your database consumes
to the report index page. (This requires a bit of setting up;
see the end of the "nisca.conf" file for details.)
I've had a few requests from people who for whatever reason
want to run their collectors from crontab instead of as a
daemon. Now, all you have to do is change one variable at the
top of "collect.php" or "snmp_collect.php" to toggle daemonic
Added an SNMP timeout variable in snmp_collect.php. This can be
adjusted by the user easily (it defaults to 15 seconds... I hope).
Changed it so trying to save a report with an existing report's
name isn't allowed anymore.
Fixed a bug which caused interfaces without an ifSpeed entry
to generate wildly inaccurate text-only reports.
(This fix has been back-ported to v2.1 as well.)
Thanks to Timothy Barbeisch
for drawing it to my attention.
Added the usual "update-to-2.2.php" script. It changes the
version in your database to "2.2", adds two "multiple"
columns to the "reports" table, adds a column to the "localhost"
table for fake ifSpeed entries, and two columns to the
"interfaces" table to handle host aliases and IF naming method.
Added "PHP_HINTS" to the documentation for the purpose of
explaining in excruciating detail how to install the proper
Apache, MySQL, and PHP support for NISCA.
Added the "Stats Deletion Utility" that lets you get rid of
unneeded statistics that are taking up lots of disk space.
Changed the php_uname function in "nisca_check.php" to
posix_uname (didn't notice that php_uname only returns
information about the machine PHP was *built* on, not
the machine it's *running* on).
Added context-sensitive help, modularized so it's easy
to add a help button to any page.
Changed "adm_snmp3" so it won't delete that host's
current config before checking to see if it'll do
64-bit counters; it now waits to the very end of the script
before it deletes your current config and replaces it
with the new one. Duh...
Moved the "hostname", "community", and "if_name" fields
out of the stats table and replaced them with a single
mediumint identifier in the stats table tied to a record
in the stats_ifs table. This has halved the disk space
usage and doubled the report generation speed; not only
that, but the index page now loads instantly every time.
This limits you to monitoring 16.7 million interfaces;
sorry about that :) It was either limiting it to that,
or 65,000 interfaces; I decided to err on the side of
Added ability to choose whether you want JPG or PNG format
graphs created; added a config option and stored-report field
to the database for it.
Made "snmpv2" a per-interface option instead of per-host. I
noticed a lot of machines which have some interfaces that do
64-bit counters while others don't; this is the only way to allow
collecting some from v1 and some from v2 on the same host.
The SNMP interface administration page (the one with all the
checkboxes to turn on, adm_snmp2.phtml) now displays interfaces
which support 64-bit counters in a kinda reddish watermelon-colored
font so you can tell at a glance which interfaces
on that host actually both support AND are using 64-bit
counters. On an interface that doesn't support them, there will
not be a checkbox available for enabling 64-bit counters on
that interface.
Also on adm_snmp2, interfaces that support SNMPv2 (whether or
not they support 64-bit counters) will have their "ifAlias"
SNMP entries read to populate the Alias entry fields. If you
already manually set an alias for an interface, the alias
you entered will be used regardless of its ifAlias entry.
Added the "update-to-2.1.php" script for the usual reason.
This script modifies an existing database thus:
Sets version to "2.1" in the "config" table
Creates "stats_ifs" table
Adds "if_id" field to "stats" table
For every unique hostname/community/if_name in "stats",
adds an entry to "stats_ifs" and uses last_insert_id
to populate the "if_id" column in the "stats" table
Deletes the "hostname", "community", and "if_name"
fields and all keys and indices from the "stats" table
Creates new primary key for stats table (no indices needed)
If stats table was empty, simply creates new stats table
Adds the PNG/JPG toggle to "config" and "reports" tables.
Altered mrtg_import script so that it's possible to import
an MRTG log that was collected via SNMP on your localhost
interface(s) into existing stats for localhost that were
collected by NISCA via the proc/net/dev file by specifying
"localhost" for the "community" option to mrtg_import.php.
Changed hostname/interface separator character from
":" to "!" because colons can appear in IF names.
(Thanks to Eddy Lai.)
Added "update_to_2.0.php" script; this modifies an
existing database thus:
Sets version to "2.0"
Converts "reports" table (changes separator to "!")
Changes "stats.if_name" to varchar(64)
Adds the "" column
Fills the "" column with guessed values
Changes primary key on "stats" to include "community"
Adds the tables "config", "interfaces",
"localhost", "users", and "sessions".
Fills "config", "interfaces", and "localhost"
tables using pre-existing values (from functions.bak)
Changed "stats.sql" to "create_stats.php" to make it
easier to do a fresh installation.
Utterly rewrote the hostname/interface selection
method on the index form. If you have Javascript,
you get a dropdown list for the hosts, another
dynamically-generated list of the interfaces on
the selected host, and a multi-select list where
the entries selected are stored. If not, you get
the same old giant long list as before. This was
done so people who monitor a LOT of interfaces
won't have to wade through a 1,000-entry list.
Also added config option to turn this on and off.
(Thanks to Pierfrancesco Caci for the suggestion.)
Added ability to change community differently
for each interface, not just each host.
Moved all configuration options to the database.
It was getting annoying having to redo functions.php
every time you upgrade. Now, upgrades are a snap.
Added "adm*.phtml", "log*.phtml", and "security.php"
scripts for config admin. Administration scripts are now
web-based and in a directory all by themselves (admin/).
Security on the admin pages is assured through the use of
cookies, PHP session variables, and database entries
connecting them with a username.
Absorbed "snmp_setup.php" script into the configuration
Added "security.php" and "log*.phtml" scripts to manage
authentication on the admin pages.
Made the date format a config option (date & time,
date only, and time only). Thanks to Pierfrancesco Caci
for telling me I needed to do this. :)
Fixed graph displays so they don't all say "bytes/sec".
Changed SNMP collection to use the numeric ISO OIDs
instead of the textual ones; for example, it now uses
"." instead of the more elegant
SNMP collection now uses "snmpget()" instead of
"snmp_walk()" for collection to speed things up a bit.
Added SNMPv2 support, though it requires a minor patch
to the PHP source code (the INSTALL file tells you how)..
Added "total bytes transferred" to the text reports
(thanks to Sean for the idea).
Added interface alias support. If you enter an alias
for an interface, that will be used; otherwise, if
there's an alias defined in the SNMPv2 OID "ifAlias",
it will use that. Aliases are implemented for both
localhost and SNMP interfaces.
Changed config file location setup; locations are put
into the "nisca.conf" file and used for ever after from
it. It should always go into "/etc/nisca/".
Thanks to Fabio Di Nitto for this idea.
Added "nisca_check.php" script to run from crontab and
make sure your collector(s) stay running.
Fabio moved the Changelog into its own file (CHANGELOG)
and redid the documentation so it'd make more sense.
As you can see, I've been very busy. :)
Made all colors used to make graphs config
options and changeable on the index form.
Major revision to SNMP interface name coding;
it's no longer a regular expression, just an
array of names for each host in $hostname.
This means it'll work with IF names containing slashes.
It was also breaking the mrtg_import.php script. My
apologies to anyone who hates NISCA now because of
this... :) (Thanks to Pierfrancesco Caci and
Fabio Di Nitto for helping me through this.)
Added the $dynamic["*all*"] variable to
"functions.php" and "snmp_collect.php".
Changed name of "" to "functions.php".
Moved *all* config options to "functions.php".
Optimized stats table structure
(removed "id" column and changed primary key
to remove all possibility of duplicate data).
Added "update.sql" script.
Now including HTML versions of README, INSTALL,
and LICENSE with the distribution.
Added support for dynamically-changing SNMP interface numbers.
That is, if interfaces go up and down and the
SNMP server keeps changing which number it assigns
to them, you can tell it to re-read the list of interface
names and numbers every time it gets the rest of the
SNMP data. (thanks to Esteve Chust for this idea.)
More SNMP bugfixes (thanks to Jimmy Kaplowitz).
Made SNMP community a config option (Jimmy's idea).
Changed recommended way to run collector scripts
by adding "nohup" to it to prevent death (Jimmy).
Added "Saved Reports" functionality (Jimmy again).
Created "reports" MySQL table.
Added "rpt_*.phtml" scripts for stored report
Upgraded report generator to allow for viewing reports
on more than one host/if at once.
Added option to show only text reports,
graphs, or both.
Some minor bugfixes in the SNMP scripts.
v1.01 beta
Added the "mrtg_import.php" script;
updated documentation to match.
v1.0 beta